How to Protect Your Home from the Corona Virus

How to Protect Your Home from the Corona Virus


(1) Can Corona Virus Be Eliminated?

It cannot be killed by being a rhythmic molecule rather than a living thing, but instead of being crushed, it ends automatically. However, the duration of the sewage treatment depends on the temperature, humidity and nature of the area around it.

(2) How do they soak it?

If it was a virus it would be very poor. However, its fine protective folds made of fat can be removed. Soap or detergent foam is best suited for this work, where rubbing on it for twenty or more seconds cuts the layer of fat and removes itself from the rhythmic solvent.

(3) Does the use of hot water break it down quickly?

Heat melts the fat quickly so it is best to wash your hands, clothes and other items with soap or detergent foam with warm water to a temperature of more than 25 degrees (slightly higher than semi-hot). Hot water makes foam even more so it is more beneficial to use.

(4) Can alcohol break its protective membrane even with water?

Alcohol or a mixture containing 65% alcohol also melts its protective layer, except that it is well applied.

(5) Can bleach be removed even with water?

Combine one part bleach and five parts water with all such areas, especially the door handle, remote, cellphone, mouse, laptop top, table top or all non-living spaces where a virus is not present. People touch them in their normal life and even spray well on them breaks their protective membrane.

(6) Is too much oxygen mixed with water to kill it?

Even water that is highly oxygenated can break the virus's protective membranes, but not with the same strength as soap, alcohol or chlorine, and in addition, such water damages your skin and needs to be purified.

(7) What antibiotics and antibiotic drugs can make it?

Antibiotics are not effective in eliminating it, because the virus, unlike germs, is not living, while antibiotics work to kill germs.

(8) How long does it remain at any level?

Do not wrap or shake unused or unused clothing as it can stick to the skin for up to three hours without any moist surface (on your skin), followed by cloth and moisturizer from your skin. Ends with It can stick for up to four hours on copper, twenty-four hours on a cardboard, forty-two hours on metal and fine hours on plastic.

(9) Can it also exist in the air?

It can stay in the air for up to three hours by shaking the things mentioned above or cleaning them with wings, and in the meantime you can get in close to your nose. ۔

(10) What kind of environment is harmful to him?

The virus is very stable in the cooling of natural or air conditioners, as well as staying in darkness and moisture for a long time, so a dry, warm and bright environment helps to eliminate it.

(11) Does it exist even in the hot sun?

Ultraviolet rays (ultra violet rays - UV rays), even after a few minutes of direct sunlight, will eventually dissipate. Therefore, the face masks can also be reused after thoroughly washing the detergent and teaching it in the sun. However, exposure to ultraviolet rays on your skin can lead to wrinkles and rapid cancer.

(12) Can it even enter our body from human skin?

With healthy skin, the virus cannot enter the human body.

(13) Can the vinegar water also break it?

Vinegar is not useful in eliminating it because it cannot break its fat-forming membrane.

(14) Can a house be kept securely closed?

It grows more in a place that is not airy, while in open space it is less likely to stay longer.

(15) Should you wash your hands thoroughly before doing anything?

It is stated right before touching the mouth, nose, eye, food, locks, keys, notes, coins, door handles, power buttons, remote control, mobile phone, clock, computer, desk, TV, etc. And after washing the hands thoroughly after coming from the washroom.

(16) What can be left in a hand dryer?

The hand drying device should also be thoroughly washed and moisture-free, as it can also sit on its door.

(18) Does it stay in our nails too?

Of course, cut your nails regularly so that the nails don't match.

* Johns Hopkins University Research * Johns Hopkins University, Washington's leading research and teaching agency that does the most research on the Corona virus, has issued a guideline to keep homes safe and secure from the Corona virus. The Johns Hopkins University professor's alert states that the Corona virus is not a life-threatening substance, but rather a rhythmic molecule or protein molecule, which has a protective layer of fat or lipid that protects the human eye. Or the nasal secretions or mucus cells become aggressively growing cells by producing their own reproductive or reproductive traits.
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